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Ms. Normington's Wand

Question: How would you describe your personality? Answer: My personality? Vary creative, open minded, and flexible. Question: Yah that's it. Would you describe Yourself as noble, in the sense that if someone was in danger, you'd put yourself out of your way to help them?

Answer: Well yeah absolutely. If that was it then yes I would definitely put the safety of others before myself. Question: Do you think the wand represents your style? Answer: Yes, I know you probably didn't intend it but it ended up looking middle eastern and I was borne in Saudi Arabia so that's kind of a neat edition. Gemma is our art teacher at waterville HS. She is the best art teacher I've ever had. She helped me with this project and many others. She taught me how to have fun and work at the same time in a creative environment as well as turn that into a career. Her wand wood is cypress, a wood for nobility as Rowling describes it. I designed it to look like a sword which ended up looking middle eastern, I suppose. Unfortunately she's leaving next year. I consider this a farewell from Saterville HS,

we thank her for sharing her knowledge with us and we wish her good luck for any and all of her future endeavors.

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